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Remove event handler in an element with jQuery

[2011 - jQuery 1.7 <]

With jQuery 1.7 onward the event API has been updated, .bind()/.unbind() are still available for backwards compatibility, but the preferred method is using the on()/off() functions. The below would now be,

$('#myimage').click(function() { return false; }); // Adds another click event
$('#myimage').on('click.mynamespace', function() { /* Do stuff */ });
In your example code you are simply adding another click event to the image, not overriding the previous one:

$('#myimage').click(function() { return false; }); // Adds another click event
Both click events will then get fired.

As people have said you can use unbind to remove all click events:

If you want to add a single event and then remove it (without removing any others that might have been added) then you can use event namespacing:

$('#myimage').bind('click.mynamespace', function() { /* Do stuff */ });
and to remove just your event:


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