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Showing posts with label remove duplicated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remove duplicated. Show all posts

How to: Remove duplicated elements from a bidimensional array PHP

Example array:

    [0] => Array
     [0] => abc
     [1] => def

    [1] => Array
     [0] => ghi
     [1] => jkl

    [2] => Array
     [0] => mno
     [1] => pql

    [3] => Array
     [0] => abc
     [1] => def

    [4] => Array
     [0] => ghi
     [1] => jkl

    [5] => Array
     [0] => mno
     [1] => pql

Here is another, another way. No intermediate variables are saved.

We used this to de-duplicate results from a variety of overlapping queries.

$input = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $input)));