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JavaScript closure inside loop example

When we want to bind a variable within an anonymous function unchanging value outside of the function, you can implement the following javascript code:

var funcs = [];

function createfunc(i) {
    return function() { console.log("My value: " + i); };

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    funcs[i] = createfunc(i);

for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
    funcs[j]();                        // and now let's run each one to see

Since there is no block scope in JavaScript - only function scope - by wrapping the function creation in a new function, you ensure that the value of "i" remains as you intended.

With the relatively widespread availability of the Array.prototype.forEach function (in 2015), it's worth noting that in those situations involving iteration primarily over an array of values, .forEach() provides a clean, natural way to get a distinct closure for every iteration. That is, assuming you've got some sort of array containing values (DOM references, objects, whatever), and the problem arises of setting up callbacks specific to each element, you can do this:

var someArray = [ /* whatever */ ];
// ...
someArray.forEach(function(arrayElement) {
  // ... code code code for this one element
  someAsynchronousFunction(arrayElement, function() {

The idea is that each invocation of the callback function used with the .forEach loop will be its own closure. The parameter passed in to that handler is the array element specific to that particular step of the iteration. If it's used in an asynchronous callback, it won't collide with any of the other callbacks established at other steps of the iteration.

If you happen to be working in jQuery, the $.each() function gives you a similar capability.

ECMAScript 6 (ES6), the newest version of JavaScript, is now starting to be implemented in many evergreen browsers and backend systems. There are also transpilers like Babel that will convert ES6 to ES5 to allow usage of new features on older systems.

ES6 introduces newletandconstkeywords that are scoped differently than var-based variables. For example, in a loop with a let-based index, each iteration through the loop will have a new value of i where each value is scoped inside the loop, so your code would work as you expect. There are many resources, but I'd recommend 2ality's block-scoping post as a great source of information.

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    funcs[i] = function() {
        console.log("My value: " + i);

Javascript: How to return response from asynchronous ajax call

The next piece of code tries to return the response fron an ajax asynchronous call but with this we can only get undefined values:

function foo() {
    var result;

        url: '...',
        success: function(response) {
            result = response;
            // return response; // <- tried that one as well

    return result;

var result = foo(); // always ends up being `undefined`.

The explanation of this ajax asynchronous methods

The A in AJAX stands for asynchronous. That means sending the request (or rather receiving the response) is taken out of the normal execution flow. In your example, $.ajax returns immediately and the next statement, return result;, is executed before the function you passed as success callback was even called.

Here is an analogy which hopefully makes the difference between synchronous and asynchronous flow clearer:


Imagine you make a phone call to a friend and ask him to look something up for you. Although it might take a while, you wait on the phone and stare into space, until your friend gives you the answer you needed.

The same is happening when you make a function call containing "normal" code:

function findItem() {
    var item;
    while(item_not_found) {
        // search
    return item;

var item = findItem();
// do something with item
Even though findItem might take a long time to execute, any code coming after var item = findItem(); has to wait until the function returns the result.


You call your friend again for the same reason. But this time you tell him that you are in a hurry and he should call you back on your mobile phone. You hang up, leave the house and do whatever you planned to do. Once your friend calls you back, you are dealing with the information he gave to you.

That's exactly what's happening when you do an AJAX request.

findItem(function(item) {
    // do something with item
Instead of waiting for the response, the execution continues immediately and the statement after the AJAX call is executed. To get the response eventually, you provide a function to be called once the response was received, a callback (notice something? call back ?). Any statement coming after that call is executed before the callback is called.


Embrace the asynchronous nature of JavaScript! While certain asynchronous operations provide synchronous counterparts (so does "Ajax"), it's generally discouraged to use them, especially in a browser context.

Why is it bad do you ask?

JavaScript runs in the UI thread of the browser and any long running process will lock the UI, making it unresponsive. Additionally, there is an upper limit on the execution time for JavaScript and the browser will ask the user whether to continue the execution or not. All of this is really bad user experience. The user won't be able to tell whether everything is working fine or not. Furthermore the effect will be worse for users with a slow connection.

Restructure code

Let functions accept callbacks

The better approach is to organize your code properly around callbacks. In the example in the question, you can make foo accept a callback and use it as success callback. So this

var result = foo();
// code that depends on 'result'

foo(function(result) {
    // code that depends on 'result'
Here we pass a function as argument to foo. You can pass any function reference, for example:

function myCallback(result) {
    // code that depends on 'result'

foo itself is defined as follows:

function foo(callback) {
        // ...
        success: callback
callback will refer to the function we pass to foo when we call it and we simply pass it on to success. I.e. once the AJAX request is successful, $.ajax will call callback and pass the response to the callback (which can be referred to with result, since this is how we defined the callback).

You can also process the response before passing it to the callback:

function foo(callback) {
        // ...
        success: function(response) {
            // e.g. filter the response
It's easier to write code using callbacks than it seems. After all, JavaScript in the browser is heavily event driven (DOM events). Receiving the AJAX response is nothing else but an event.
Difficulties could arise when you have to work with third party code, but most problems can be solved by just thinking through the application flow.

Use promises

The Promise API is a new feature of ECMAScript 6, but it has good browser support already. There are also many libraries which implement the standard Promises API and provide additional methods to ease the use and composition of asynchronous functions (e.g. bluebird).

Promises are containers for future values. When the promise receives the value (it is resolved) or when it is cancelled (rejected), it notifies all of its "listeners" who want to access this value.

The advantage over plain callbacks is that they allow you do decouple your code and they are easier to compose.

Here is a simple example of using a promise:

function delay() {
  // `delay` returns a promise
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    // only `delay` is able to resolve or reject the promise
    setTimeout(function() {
      resolve(42); // after 3s, resolve the promise with value 42
    }, 3000);

delay().then(function(v) { // `delay` returns a promise
  console.log(v); // log the value once it is resolved
}).catch(function(v) {
  // or do something else if it is rejected 
  // (would not happen in this example, since `reject` is not called
Applied to our Ajax call we could use promises like this:

function ajax(url) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onload = function() {
    xhr.onerror = reject;'GET', url);

ajax("/echo/json").then(function(result) {
  // code depending on result
}).catch(function() {
  // an error occurred
Describing all the advantages that promises offer is beyond the scope of this answer, but if you write new code, you should seriously consider them. They provide a great abstraction and separation of your code.

More information about promises: HTML5 rocks - JavaScript Promises

jQuery: Use deferred objects

Deferred objects are jQuery's custom implementation of promises (before the Promise API was standardized). They behave almost like promises, but expose a slightly different API.

Every AJAX method of jQuery already returns a "deferred object" (actually a promise of a deferred object) which you can just return from your function:

function ajax() {
    return $.ajax(...);

ajax().done(function(result) {
    // code depending on result
}).fail(function() {
    // an error occurred
Promise gotchas

Keep in mind that promises and deferred objects are just containers for a future value, they are not the value itself. For example suppose you had the following:

function checkPassword() {
    return $.ajax({
        url: '/password',
        data: {
            username: $('#username').val()
            password: $('#password').val()
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'json'

if (checkPassword()) {
    // Tell the user they're logged in
This code misunderstands the above asynchrony issues. Specifically, $.ajax() doesn't freeze the code while it checks the '/password' page on your server - it sends a request to the server and while it waits, immediately returns a jQuery Ajax Deferred object, not the response from the server. That means the if statement is going to always get this Deferred object, treat it as true, and proceed as though the user is logged in. Not good.

But the fix is easy:

.done(function(r) {
    if (r) {
        // Tell the user they're logged in
    } else {
        // Tell the user their password was bad
.fail(function(x) {
    // Tell the user something bad happened
So now we're still calling the '/password' page on the server, but our code now properly handles the wait time for the server to respond. The $.ajax() call still returns immediately with a jQuery Ajax Deferred object, but we use it to attach event listeners to .done() and .fail(). In the .done() call, where the server responded with a normal response (HTTP 200), we check the object returned by the server. In this example the server is just returning true if the login was successful, false if not, so if (r) is checking for true/false.

In the .fail() handler we're dealing with something going wrong - for example if the user lost their internet connection while they were typing in their username and password, or if your server went down.

Not recommended: Synchronous "AJAX" calls

As I mentioned, some asynchronous operations have synchronous counterparts. While I don't advocate there use, for completeness, here is how you would perform a synchronous call:

Without jQuery

If you directly use a XMLHTTPRequest object, pass false as third argument to .open.


If you use jQuery, you can set the async option to false. Note that this option is deprecated since jQuery 1.8. You can then either still use a success callback or access the responseText property of the jqXHR object:

function foo() {
    var jqXHR = $.ajax({
        async: false
    return jqXHR.responseText;
If you use any other jQuery AJAX method, such as $.get, $.getJSON, etc., you have to change it to $.ajax (since you can only pass configuration parameters to $.ajax).

Heads up! It is not possible to make a synchronous JSONP request. JSONP by its very nature is always asynchronous (one more reason to not even consider this option).

IOS: Difference between atomic and non-atomic attributes

What do atomic and nonatomic mean in property declarations?

@property(nonatomic, retain) UITextField *userName;
@property(atomic, retain) UITextField *userName;
@property(retain) UITextField *userName;

Let's talk about the operational difference:

What do atomic and nonatomic mean in property declarations? atomic was added as a keyword in recent versions of llvm/clang).

Assuming that you are @synthesizing the method implementations, atomic vs. non-atomic changes the generated code. If you are writing your own setter/getters, atomic/nonatomic/retain/assign/copy are merely advisory. (Note: @synthesize is now the default behavior in recent versions of LLVM. There is also no need to declare instance variables; they will be synthesized automatically, too, and will have an _ prepended to their name to prevent accidental direct access).

With "atomic", the synthesized setter/getter will ensure that a whole value is always returned from the getter or set by the setter, regardless of setter activity on any other thread. That is, if thread A is in the middle of the getter while thread B calls the setter, an actual viable value -- an autoreleased object, most likely -- will be returned to the caller in A.

In nonatomic, no such guarantees are made. Thus, nonatomic is considerably faster than "atomic".

What "atomic" does not do is make any guarantees about thread safety. If thread A is calling the getter simultaneously with thread B and C calling the setter with different values, thread A may get any one of the three values returned -- the one prior to any setters being called or either of the values passed into the setters in B and C. Likewise, the object may end up with the value from B or C, no way to tell.

Ensuring data integrity -- one of the primary challenges of multi-threaded programming -- is achieved by other means.

iOS How to send SMS with iPhone


If you could send an SMS within a program on the iPhone, you'll be able to write games that spam people in the background. I'm sure you really want to have spams from your friends, "Try out this new game! It roxxers my boxxers, and yours will be too!!!!! If you sign up now you'll get 3,200 RB points!!"

Apple has restrictions for automated (or even partially automated) SMS and dialing operations. (Imagine if the game instead dialed 911 at a particular time of day)

Your best bet is to setup an intermediate server on the internet that uses an online SMS sending service, and send the SMSs via that route if you need complete automation. (ie, your program on the iPhone sends a UDP packet to your server, which sends the real SMS)

iOS 4 Update

iOS 4, however, now provides a viewcontroller you can import into your application. You prepopulate the SMS fields, then the user can initiate the SMS send within the controller. Unlike using the "sms:..." url format, this allows your application to stay open, and allows you to populate both the to and the body fields. You can even specify multiple recipients.

This prevents applications from sending automated SMS without the user explicitly aware of it. You still cannot send fully automated SMS from the iPhone itself, it requires some user interaction. But this at least allows you to populate everything, and avoids closing the application.

The MFMessageComposeViewController class is well documented, and tutorials show how easy it is to implement.

iOS 5 Update

iOS 5 includes messaging for iPod touch and iPad devices, so while I've not yet tested this myself, it may be that all iOS devices will be able to send SMS via MFMessageComposeViewController. If this is the case, then Apple is running an SMS server that sends messages on behalf of devices that don't have a cellular modem.

iOS 6 Update

No changes to this class.

iOS 7 Update

You can now check to see if the message medium you are using will accept a subject or attachments, and what kind of attachments it will accept. You can edit the subject and add attachments to the message, where the medium allows it.

Limitations to this class

Keep in mind that this won't work on phones without iOS 4, and it won't work on the iPod touch or the iPad, except, perhaps, under iOS 5. You must either detect the device and iOS limitations prior to using this controller, or risk restricting your app to recently upgraded 3G, 3GS, and 4 iPhones.

However, an intermediate server that sends SMS will allow any and all of these iOS devices to send SMS as long as they have internet access, so it may still be a better solution for many applications. Alternately, use both, and only fall back to an online SMS service when the device doesn't support it.

How to embed custom font in iOS iphone app

iOS 3.2 and later support this. Straight from the What's New in iPhone OS 3.2 doc:

Custom iOs Font Support
Applications that want to use custom fonts can now include those fonts in their application bundle and register those fonts with the system by including the UIAppFonts key in their Info.plist file.
The value of this key is an array of strings identifying the font files in the application’s bundle. When the system sees the key, it loads the specified fonts and makes them available to the application.

Once the fonts have been set in the Info.plist, you can use your custom fonts as any other font in IB or programatically.

There is an ongoing thread on Apple Developer Forums: (login required) and here's an excellent and simple 3 steps tutorial on how to achieve this (broken link removed)

  1. Add your custom font files into your project using Xcode as a resource
  2. Add a key to your Info.plist file called UIAppFonts.
  3. Make this key an array
  4. For each font you have, enter the full name of your font file (including the extension) as items to the UIAppFonts array
  5. Save Info.plist
  6. Now in your application you can simply call [UIFont fontWithName:@"CustomFontName" size:12]to get the custom font to use with your UILabels and UITextViews, etc…

Also: Make sure the fonts are in your Copy Bundle Resources.

Making filetypes handling association with ios iphone app

File type handling is new with iPhone OS 3.2, and is different than the already-existing custom URL schemes. You can register your application to handle particular document types, and any application that uses a document controller can hand off processing of these documents to your own application.

For example, Molecules handles the .pdb and .pdb.gz file types, if received via email or in another supported application.

To register support, you will need to have something like the following in your Info.plist:

        <string>Molecules Structure File</string>

Two images are provided that will be used as icons for the supported types in Mail and other applications capable of showing documents. The LSItemContentTypes key lets you provide an array of Uniform Type Identifiers (UTIs) that your application can open. For a list of system-defined UTIs, see Apple's Uniform Type Identifiers Reference. Even more detail on UTIs can be found in Apple'sUniform Type Identifiers Overview. Those guides reside in the Mac developer center, because this capability has been ported across from the Mac.

One of the UTIs used in the above example was system-defined, but the other was an application-specific UTI. The application-specific UTI will need to be exported so that other applications on the system can be made aware of it. To do this, you would add a section to your Info.plist like the following:

        <string>Molecules Structure File</string>
This particular example exports the com.sunsetlakesoftware.molecules.pdb UTI with the .pdb file extension, corresponding to the MIME type chemical/x-pdb.

With this in place, your application will be able to handle documents attached to emails or from other applications on the system. In Mail, you can tap-and-hold to bring up a list of applications that can open a particular attachment.

When the attachment is opened, your application will be started and you will need to handle the processing of this file in your -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: application delegate method. It appears that files loaded in this manner from Mail are copied into your application's Documents directory under a subdirectory corresponding to what email box they arrived in. You can get the URL for this file within the application delegate method using code like the following:
NSURL *url = (NSURL *)[launchOptions valueForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey];
Note that this is the same approach we used for handling custom URL schemes. You can separate the file URLs from others by using code like the following:

if ([url isFileURL])
    // Handle file being passed in
    // Handle custom URL scheme